Dienstag, 16. Juli 2013

Der Esel kriegt die Karotte

Der Esel und die Karotte - Der Film
mit Happy End
Habitacion con vista al mar,
unser neues Wohnzimmer
und die Küche

4 Kommentare:

  1. Ich freu mich sowas für euch beide wünsche euch alles gute auf all euren wegen. Es war so spannend euren weg zu verfolgen hab mich jeden tag auf neue Geschichten von euch gefreut schade das es jetzt zu ende ist werde es vermissen. Alles alles gute von Melly aus Bremen

  2. Aaaahr der Brüller. Ich hoffe du hast Paola das auch alles ordentlich übersetzt. Danke für dieses grandiose Foto, ich hab mich gerade 5 Min. beeiert. Da muss erstmal nen Typ drauf kommen sich nach der Story auch wirklich mit ner Karotte füttern zu lassen. Ich lach mich wech. Aber wie man sieht, du dich auch.

  3. Selbstverständlich hab ich das erklärt, alle Inhalte und Fotos sind mit den jeweils beteiligten Personen abgesprochen und nur mit Einverständnis veröffentlicht.
    Wir haben beide mindestens genauso lange gelacht.

  4. Det jibt et doch nich , da muß icke och noch fix meenen Senf dazutexten:

    Everybody needs somebody to love

    We're so glad to see so many of you lovely people here tonight, and we would especially like to welcome all the representatives of Illinois' Law Enforcement Community who have chosen to join us here in the Palace Hotel Ballroom at this time. We do sincerely hope you'll all enjoy the show, and please remember people, that no matter who you are, and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there are still some things that make us all the same. You, me, them, everybody, everybody.

    Everybody needs somebody
    Everybody needs somebody to love (someone to love)
    Sweetheart to miss (sweetheart to miss)
    Sugar to kiss (sugar to kiss)
    I need you you you
    I need you you you
    I need you you you In the morning
    I need you you you When my soul's on fire

    Sometimes I feel
    I feel a little sad inside
    When my baby mistreats me
    I never never never have a place to hide
    I need you

    Sometimes I feel
    I feel a little sad inside
    When my baby mistreats me
    I never never never have a place to hide
    I need you you you
    I need you you you
    I need you you you
    I need you you you
    I need you

    You know people when you do find that somebody
    Hold that woman, hold that man
    Love him, please him, squeeze her, please her,
    Hold, squeeze and please that person, give 'em all your love
    Signify your feelings with every gentle caress
    Because it's so important to have that special somebody
    to hold, kiss, miss, squeeze and please

    Everybody needs somebody
    Everybody needs somebody to love
    Someone to love
    Sweetheart to miss
    Sugar to kiss
    I need you you you
    I need you you you
    I need you you you...

    On the version that appeared on the 'Best of the Blues Brothers' album, Elwood starts with another intro:

    We're so glad to see so many of you lovely people here tonight, and we would especially like to welcome all the representatives of the California Highway Patrol, who are waiting for me and Jake after the show. We sincerely hope that you all will enjoy the show, and please remember people, that no matter who you are, and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there are things that make all of us the same. You, me, my brother Jake, Wilson Picket, Solomon Burke, everybody people, everybody.

    Na denne, machts ma jut wa ;-) Tschüßken Euer Atze


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